Sunday, August 20, 2017

Berlajar Mimpi dari Dorama

Rehat dari dunia drakor,  drama Jepang benar-benar mencuri perhatian dan membakar semangat untuk meraih mimpi. Sudah lama sekali berpaling dari drama Jepang. Rasanya terakhir kali menonton dorama itu saat kuliah saat nonton bareng Nodame Cantabile di kosan teman yang jadi basecamp untuk ngumpul. Drama Jepang memang punya kekhasan yaitu sarat pesan mewujudkan mimpi.  Seperti Nodame dan Chiaki yang bekerja keras mengatasi semua rintangan untuk mengejar mimpi mereka,  karakter-karakter dalam dorama memang digambarkan penuh semangat dalam meraih cita dan cinta.

Dua minggu ini, berawal dari jenuh akan drakor yang semakin absurd jalan ceritanya,  aku menemukan film Lies in April.  Awal nonton film ini benar-benar terasa seperti Nodame Cantabile. Suasana musik klasik mendominasi latar musik sepanjang film.  Namun,  akhir cerita film ini terasa seperti One Litre of Tears.  Rasa manis dan haru dibalut semangat meraih mimpi menghiasi film ini. Pemain utama prianya (klise memang) benar-benar menarik.  Seperti biasa,  kalau sudah suka sama satu aktor,  judul lain yang dibintangi sang aktor pasti diburu.  Mulailah berburu film dan dramanya Yamazaki Kento. Banyak juga film yang dibintangi Kento. Ternyata ini bukan pertama kalinya aku menonton filmnya Kento.  Sebelumnya sudah pernah menonton Another tapi saat itu tak begitu tertarik. Akhirnya dimulailah maraton film mulai dari Wolf Girl and Black Prince,  LDK sampai Heroine Shikkaku.  Masih ada dua film lagi dalam antrian.

Sebelum sempat menyelesaikan film yang tersisa,  aku tertarik menonton A Girl and Three Sweethearts.  Drama ini bercerita tentang patissier yang dipecat dari toko kue di Tokyo dan akhirnya mendapat pekerjaan di kota lain berkat bantuan teman (cinta pertamanya lebih tepatnya). Sekali mendayung dua tiga pulau terlalui.  Sambil bekerja sambil mengupayakan cinta pertamanya. Di awal drama sempat terkecoh dengan pemeran pria utama. Aku pikir Kento yang memerankan cinta pertamanya.  Tapi ternyata cinta pertamanya sang patissier cuma second lead saja.  Cerita berputar pada tantangan-tantangan yang dihadapi patissier dalam hal karir dan cinta.  Tak hanya itu,  drama ini kental dengan nuansa bromance dimana 3 pria, Shibayashi bersaudara menghadapi konflik keluarga dan persaudaraan mereka diuji.

Beralih dari A Girl and Three Sweethearts,  aku berburu Kento di IG dan mendapati cuplikan drama Mare.  Dari semua peran dia yang kutonton (kebanyakan dia berperan sebagai cowok dingin, angkuh tapi penuh perhatian), karakter dalam drama Mare ini paling berbeda.  Terlihat lebih realistis dan menyenangkan. Ternyata drama ini layaknya drakor seri Reply. Sebuah drama tentang keluarga,  persahabatan dan cinta.  Uniknya dalam setiap konflik yang terjadi sebagian besar masalah adalah tentang mewujudkan mimpi bagi keluarga.  Dari drama ini aku berpikir tentang mimpi apa yang ingin kuraih sebenarnya, apa yang telah aku lakukan dan apa yang harunya aku lakukan. Sebuah drama untuk introspeksi diri kupikir.  Berbeda dari A Girl and Three Sweethearts yang berjumlah 10 episode,  drama Mare ini berjumlah 156 episode.  Whooooaaaaaa!!!!!  Banyak sekali bukan?! Tapi untungya setiap episode hanya berdurasi 15 menit. Jadi tidak terlalu panjang untuk diikuti.  Saat ini aku baru mencapai episode 140 dalam waktu 3 hari.  Mungkin akan selesai malam ini. 

Setidaknya dua minggu ini aku belajar banyak dari dorama Jepang. Tak hanya belajar, tapi merasa ditampar. Bangun Gonissh!!!!  Apa kabar mimpi-mimpimu?  Apa kabar rencana sekolah pascamu?  Apa kabar beasiswa yang ingin kau raih?  Apa kabar dengan negeri lain yang ingin kau jelajahi?  Ah semoga tahun ini aku benar-benar bisa mewujudkan setidaknya salah satu mimpiku seperti karakter-karakter wanita dalam dorama Jepang itu.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Lost in Dramaland

I was once walking away from reality
Through the dark of wood I found fantasy
I followed fireflies flying to light
Show me the way through middle of night
Long I walked, be strong I tried
Not to shed tears, but finally cried
I desperately want to go home where I was grown
But no one hears my sorrowful groan
Then I woke up in a wonderful land
Everything I saw was joyfully grand
I fall for its beauty
Hypnotized,  I hold myself not to be crazy
I am too far engaged in its glory
Praise the people who are lovely
One day,  I dreamed to go back
Ready to forget everything I lack
Going home isn't something I can do alone
No one realized that I was gone
Sweet memories I reminisce
All good times surely vanish
I keep walking on the land
Rabbit leads me while holding my hand
Looking back to dark forest
Staying here to take a rest

A Nightmare Hospitality

People are celebrating Ied with their beloved family. They will gather around and visit their relatives. While visiting the relatives,  certain people will face several nightmare questions.

Different people will have their own nightmare questions.  For single fighter,  the most terrifying question is when you will get married.  For newly-wed couple the most annoying question is when you will have a baby. Meanwhile, one-child family will get bored hearing when you will have another child. There are many other horrifying questions for other people like college students,  son in law, etc. 

Personally, this year I am not bothered with those questions. The most mood-breaking questions for me is where you will go hometown. Well, I was born and raised in Depok but I've been living in Bandung since 2007. When I was living in Depok,  Bandung was my hometown. It changed specifically to Sarijadi district while living in Bandung.  At least,  it ran like that untill last year on Ied. Starting this year,  I don't have any hometown.

Although my mother is from Garut and my father was from Kuningan,  those cities are no longer their hometowns. They are just two towns without home.  Now, Bandung -especially Sarijadi district- is no longer my hometown. It is an empty home.  It's not as warm as it used to be.  The home starts to be left by its members. I live in the town but I cannot find my hometown. How pathetic I am. 

I made extreme decision by staying at mom's house with mom.  We won't visit people we used to visit.  I want to know if people will visit us. I want to know if we are still counted as family. So far,  my action brings positive impact.  My uncle and my aunt came and we had a good chit chat. My mom can talk to her younger brother and vice versa. 

My neighbor cousin came and I know that we count a lot on her and her family. It made me less relieved.  At least,  I know that she still cares about us like she always does. It doesn't mean that my other cousins don't but they seldom visit us so this year I want them to really visit us. 

I do not prepare much for Ied.  I cooked food for two people and thanks to Allah,  many people send food to us. I don't allow my mother to spend much on food that wouldn't be eaten by guests.  If they come they will just pay a visit as a guest not as relatives. That's what I think.

So, being person without hometown like me will feel sad when I get the mood-breaking question.  Do not hurt me by asking that kind of question to merely show your hospitality.  It is such a nightmare for me.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

A Loner

In a world full of people I stand alone
Changing my direction to get a bigger home
I used to think it would get rid of my loneliness
Leaving dearest friends and relatives to be closer to more beloved ones
It seemed to sail smoothly in spite of small waves hitting me
I  never imagined that new boat I was sailing on would make me lost in a huge storm
I thought we could stick together during the storm and stay together till we find an island to settle down
The storm ended but it made us separate
I was left behind on an almost sinking boat while the others swim together to get a safer place
I was betrayed by high expectations I once imagined
Now, I am lost in a giant wave
I have nowhere to go
I have nothing but loneliness within
After all I was a loner
And I am a loner, now